Don’t Change Idaho
Let Idaho Change You!
Who We Are
CCRW provides an avenue for women to influence policy, develop candidates, and elect the leaders of Idaho. We are a multi-generational, multicultural organization that provides the structure and support for political activists to learn, engage, and flourish.
The objectives of this club shall be to foster and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals, to cooperate with official Republican Party committees, to collect, analyze, report upon, and disseminate information concerning governmental and political affairs; to promote the principles of freedom, equality, and justice on which the government of this country is founded, and to increase the recognition of the effectiveness of women working for the cause of good government at all levels.
Join Our Monthly Meetings!
Meet us on the 2nd Tuesday of
Each month at 11:30 am at
The Golden Palace Restaurant
703 Main St. in Downtown Caldwell.
A Message from Our President

"Welcome to the Canyon County Republican Women’s Club! Established in the 1940s, we're one of Idaho's oldest Republican Women’s Clubs, dedicated to promoting conservative values and good governance. Join us to engage in politics, have fun, and make a difference in Canyon County and beyond!"
-Jamie Wood