Kay Bradford
My husband and I are both retired. We owned 3 video stores for 25 years and it was
great fun. I served on both the Idaho Board and National Board of Video Software
Dealers Association (VSDA). We are both now into shooting sports which keeps us
active and out of the house.
I have been Treasurer for Canyon County RW – Tuesday Club since 2001 and IFRW
Treasurer since 2011. I am the Auction Chair for Canyon County’s Lincoln Day and
Roundup Events. In 2010, I was honored being presented with Canyon County’s
“Outstanding Republican” award. In 2012, Governor Otter appointed me to the Idaho
State Board of Accountancy for a 5 year term. In 2017, I received the 2016 IRP
Outstanding Republican Worker Hall of Fame Award.
I am a two-time breast cancer survivor.